Sunday, July 20, 2014

This little shining light of mine

Dearest God,
We love you so much. Thank you for the shining light you placed in all of us. Help us to make the shining light you placed in us reflect that you are our Heavenly Father and we your beloved children. Dearest God, please be with my precious children every moment of their life. Please protect them from evil. Let them know that you are in them and let their little shining lights shine brightly to glorify you. Dearest God, bless my beloved twin boys with wisdom to distinguish between right and wrong and guide them to make the right choices in every step of their life, as I am not beside them to guide them in Your ways.
Dearest God, bless my precious sons and all the children in this world.

I love everything about my school - my school principals, my teachers, my friends, my school. Most of all, I love my school principals and teachers for instilling in us as children - faith in God and discipline.
I love my parents - the God's we see with our eyes, my very first teachers.

On our 10th grade/standard graduation ceremony day, all the 10th standard students were wearing white dresses and were seated on the stage in our school's auditorium. All the students looked like beautiful angels. At the end of the graduation ceremony, our high school principal would give each one of us a brightly lit white candle, one by one, as we walked to her at the center of the stage and proceeded to walk down the hall of the auditorium. At this time, the school choir,  the lower grade/standard children and all of us sang the song "This little shining light of mine, I am going to let it shine." I thought this was beautiful. It symbolized that we were leaving our well protected convent environment and going into the world and we would continue to shine our shining light in the world.

This little shining light of mine, I am going to let it shine

This little shining light of mine, I am going to let it shine (3)
Let it shine, all the time, let it shine.
Hide it under a bushel - Oh No, I am going to let it shine (3)
Let it shine, all the time, let it shine.
Don't let evil blow it out, I am going to let shine (3)
Let it shine, all the time. let it shine.
Everywhere I go, I am going to let it shine (3)
Let it shine, all the time. let it shine.
This little shining light of mine, I am going to let it shine (3)
Let it shine, all the time, let it shine.

My dearest children, every single person in this world goes through days of happiness and days of sadness. Sometimes, sadness may be caused by the someone else  unexpectedly deceiving us.
My dearest children, whatever be the situation, we will make the shining light within us shine brightly for God by honoring God, by obeying God's Commandments and by living as children as God, which is reflected from our thoughts, our words and our actions.

Your mother's love and blessings are always with you. God bless my precious children.

Friday, July 4, 2014

God's love is so wonderful

Dearest God,
Thank you so much for your wonderful love for us.
Please bless my precious children. Guide my precious children in the path of righteousness and guard them from evil. Dear God, I pray to you to be with my beloved children always, during the time of our separation. Dear God, bless my children with good health, wisdom from you and above all, bless them with good moral values.
We love you, our Heavenly Father.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Prayers to God

Our Dearest God,
We love you so much. Thank you for all your blessings on us. Please be with us always.
Please bless my precious children and be their guiding light. Take care of my beloved children. Dear God, reveal the truth to my precious children. Protect us from all evil. Thank you for guarding us always.
Bless all your children in this world.
We love you God, our Heavenly Father, our Guide and our Protector.

Our Father in heaven
Our Father who is in heaven,
Holy be your name.
Your Kingdom come.
Your will be done on earth,
as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our sins,
as we forgive those who sinned against us.
Do not bring us to the test,
but deliver us from evil.
Angel of God
Angel of God, my guardian dear,
to whom God's love commits me hear;
Ever this day, be at my side
To light and guard,
To rule and guide.
Hail Mary
Hail Mary, full of grace.
The Lord is with you.
Blessed are you among women,
and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.
The prayers were recited by my precious children and me every morning and night.

God bless my precious children always. God please be the guiding light for my precious children and guard them and protect them so that they grow up to be children of God. God, please reunite my precious children and me.
Bindu Philips
Mother of Albert and Alfred